The Brief

Lookout Tower is nestled in Gunnison Colorado full of rugged peaks, hidden valleys, breathtaking canyons, and cannabis forged friendships.
Lookout Tower is nestled in Gunnison
Colorado full of rugged peaks, hidden
valleys, breathtaking canyons, and
cannabis forged friendships.

“Dispensary of the Great Rockies”

High On Nature

High-performance cannabis
made for the mountains

Visit Us

Whether you’re a seasoned
adventurer or just looking to
escape the hustle and bustle
of everyday life.

Like nature,
cannabis is meant to be shared

Like nature,
cannabis is meant to be shared

Like nature,
cannabis is meant to be shared

Enjoy The View Together

Lookout Tower is a mountain town
fellowship of cannabis outsiders, educators,
activists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

Lookout Tower is a mountain town
fellowship of cannabis outsiders, educators, activists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

With decades of combined experience across every bureau of the cannabis trade, we strive to be stewards of this industry and the great outdoors we call home.

The menu

Survival Gear

Selection as far as you can see


View the menu at a glance Below

View the menu at
a glance Below

Gunnison Colorado’s finest

The People

We’ll Move Mountains
just For You

Selection as far as you can see

Offical ranger i.d.

Lookout Tower Ranger


Offical ranger i.d.

Lookout Tower Ranger


Whether you’re a pioneer or a tenderfoot,
our seasoned Bud-Rangers will help you
find the experience you’re looking for.
We’re here to be your guide as
you navigate the wild backcountry
of cannabis.

We’ll be your guide


Tap a destination below

Adventure Peak Sativa

Imagine the rush of reaching the summit of a challenging peak, with the sun on your face and a refreshing breeze in the air. That’s the feeling you can expect from Sativas, a cannabis species that produces energizing and uplifting effects. Perfect for a day of outdoor adventure, this strain can give you the motivation and focus you need to tackle any task or creative pursuit.

Tundra Pines Ruderalis

Brave the elements with Ruderalis. Ruderalis strains are known for their hardiness and ability to grow in colder climates, making them the perfect choice for outdoor adventures in harsh environments. With its lower THC content, Ruderalis offers a more mild experience, ideal for those who want to enjoy the great outdoors without feeling too high. Whether you’re exploring a snowy landscape or camping in the wilderness, Trailblazer Tundra can help you blaze your own trail.

Lazy Lake Indica

Picture a tranquil lake nestled in the heart of a lush forest, where the only sound is the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. That’s the vibe of Indicas, a cannabis species that produces relaxing and sedative effects. Ideal for unwinding after a long day or easing pain and tension, this species can transport you to a state of deep relaxation and tranquility.

Harmony Hills Hybrid

Think of a beautiful landscape where rolling hills meet the sky, with a perfect balance of sun and shade. That’s the balance you can expect from Hybrids, a cannabis species that is a mix between sativa and indica strains. With varying effects depending on the specific genetics, this species can provide the perfect combination of relaxation and energy for any occasion. Enjoy a hike through the hills or a lazy afternoon in the sun with Harmony Hills as your companion.

Tap a destination below

Mount Joy is our selection of
products that facilitate happiness.

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2 Lookout Tower is a mountain town fellowship of cannabis outsiders, educators, activists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

With decades of combined experience across every bureau of the cannabis trade, we strive to be stewards of this industry and the great outdoors we call home.

3 Lookout Tower is a mountain town fellowship of cannabis outsiders, educators, activists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

With decades of combined experience across every bureau of the cannabis trade, we strive to be stewards of this industry and the great outdoors we call home.

4 Lookout Tower is a mountain town fellowship of cannabis outsiders, educators, activists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

With decades of combined experience across every bureau of the cannabis trade, we strive to be stewards of this industry and the great outdoors we call home.